The existing tunnels in the Walpersberg were enlarged and others were dug, and massive concrete bunkers were built outside these tunnels. Subparts were made and partially assembled in the tunnels, then moved outside to the concrete bunkers, where final assembly took place. The assembled jets were then moved to the top of the hill via a platform that moved along a railed ramp by a power winch. The top of the Walpersberg had been leveled off and concreted in a massive construction effort, to form a runway some 3300 feet long. This was not sufficient for an Me 262 to take off (even with the jet engines, take-off was actually fairly slow), so small rockets assisted take-off. The runway was also too short for the jets to land, so leaving the Walpersberg was an all-or-nothing proposition: there could be no emergency landings. The jets were flown from Kahla to a site some 130 kilometers away to be fitted with weapons and radios, and to undergo final testing. REIMAHG only managed to produce some twenty-seven Me 262 jet fighters by the end of the war. The work was done mostly by foreign forced laborers, some 991 of whom died during their nine months at "Lachs." The U.S. Army took the site on 12 April 1945, and before turning Thüringen over to the Soviets in July, they removed enough parts to finish five Me 262s that were found on the production line. Surprisingly, the Kahla area had not been bombed. British Intelligence had photographed Me 262s at the site in March 1945, so the Allies were well aware of "Lachs." But Kahla was spared the fate of the V-2 works at Nordhausen, which suffered a devastating bombing attack only eight days before the American Army arrived. |
World War II saw the introduction of jet aircraft, and one of the most prominent jets of the conflict was the "Messerschmitt Me-262", a twin-jet fighter of advanced design. Recognized after the war as generally superior to anything the Allies had, it pointed the way to postwar aircraft development.
The Messerschmitt Me-262 was an outgrowth of German turbojet-engine development work that had begun in the mid-1930s, with the initial concepts conceived by an engineer named Hans-Joachim Pabst von Ohain, whose efforts paralleled those of Frank Whittle of Britain.
In 1933, while von Ohain was working on his doctorate at the University of Göttingen, he began investigating the gas turbine as a basis for an advanced aircraft engine.
Although most of the feedback he received suggested that gas turbines would be too heavy for such a role, he pressed on anyway, developing a demonstrator model of a "turbojet" engine in his garage, with the help of a mechanic named Max Hahn.
Von Ohain managed to impress his professor, R.W. Pohl, with a test run of the model. Pohl was both open-minded and well-connected, and In 1936 he sent von Ohain on to aircraft manufacturer Ernst Heinkel with a letter of recommendation. Von Ohain defended his ideas under grilling by Heinkel engineers, and was put in charge of a design team to develop a practical turbojet engine.
Von Ohain's team had a working bench-test prototype in September 1937, six months after Whittle had reached the same benchmark. Von Ohain's prototype burned hydrogen, which was not a practical fuel, but further work with Max Hahn led to an engine that burned kerosene.
Ernst Heinkel gave the go-ahead to develop a flight-test engine, designated the "HeS-3", which was strapped to an He-118 dive bomber for evaluation. Tests began in May 1939 and continued until the engine burned itself out a few months later. Enough had been learned to build a pure jet-powered experimental aircraft, the "Heinkel He-178", powered by an improved "HeS-3B" engine with 300 kilograms (835 pounds) thrust. Later in the flight test program, the He-178 would be fitted with a further improved "HeS-6" turbojet with 590 kilograms (1,300 pounds) thrust.
The He-178 was a simple "flying stovepipe", with straight-through airflow from nose to tail. The aircraft had high-mounted tapered wings and a conventional tail assembly. Although it had fully-retractable "tailsitter" landing gear, the landing gear was bolted into the down position.
The He-178 performed its first test flight on 27 August 1939, a few days before the outbreak of World War II. The flight lasted about five minutes, with the pilot reporting that the aircraft "had no vibration and no torque like a propeller engine. Everything was smooth, and ... felt wonderful." Von Ohain was now well ahead of Whittle, whose efforts were bogged down, first by official indifference and then by national crisis. Whittle would not fly his own experimental jet aircraft, the "Gloster-Whittle G.40", until May 1941.
The Luftwaffe and the German Air Ministry ("ReichsLuftfahrtMinisterium" or "RLM") were preoccupied with war, and the powers-that-be didn't witness a flight demonstration of the He-178 until November 1939. They were generally unimpressed, as the He-178 was not as fast as the best piston fighters, and told Heinkel: "Your turbojet is not needed. We will win the war on piston engines."
After a total of about a dozen test flights, the He-178 was sent to the national air museum in Berlin, where it was destroyed in a bombing raid in 1943. A second He-178 was planned, but not completed.
Although the RLM seemed indifferent to the He-178, the ministry was nonetheless actively pushing German industry to develop turbojets. In hindsight, it seems that the left and right hands of the RLM were not in agreement, which summarizes most of the Third Reich's attempts to develop advanced weapons.
Hans A. Mauch had become head of rocket development at the RLM in April 1938, and quickly expanded his office's charter to emphasize turbojet development, working with an experimental department under Helmut Schelp in the RLM research branch. By mid-1938, the two men had set up a comprehensive program of jet engine development that was presently sponsoring a range of turbojet and turboprop projects.
In response to RLM urging, the Bramo company began work on a pair of "axial flow" engines. Both Whittle's and von Ohain's engines were "centrifugal flow" engines, with a turbine like a pump impeller compressing air into combustion chambers ringing the engine. An "axial-flow" engine, in contrast, is much more like the turbine of a steam plant or naval vessel, with rings of "fans" driving air directly through the engine.
The two Bramo engines included one with a contra-rotating fan assembly to reduce torque, which eventually was designated the "109-002", and a simpler engine without the contra-rotating fan scheme that was eventually designated the "109-003". Incidentally, the "109-" suffix was used by the RLM to specify turbine engine projects.
Bramo's works at Spandau were bought out by the BMW concern in mid-1939. BMW had been working on their own centrifugal-flow turbojet, but the company quickly decided to abandon their own effort and focus on the two Bramo engines obtained in the buyout. The 109-002 proved too complicated and never flew, and the project was abandoned in 1942. The company focused on the simpler 109-003, with fabrication beginning in 1939 and first test runs in 1940. By that time, the engine was known as the "BMW-003".
The Junkers company had actually been working on turbine propulsion since 1936, and was running a bench prototype of an axial-flow turbojet in 1938. In the summer of 1939, the RLM awarded Junkers a contract to develop a simple, powerful axial-flow engine that could be put into production as quickly as possible. A design team under Dr. Anselm Franz conducted the development work on the engine, which became known as the "109-004" and later the "Jumo-004". A full-scale bench-test engine was operating by November 1940.
Me-262 origins
Despite inconsistent official interest, German companies were working on combat aircraft based on the new turbojet engines. Following the flight tests of the He-178, in the fall of 1939 Heinkel began serious development of an operational fighter, the "He-280", which was to be powered by twin improved Heinkel engines.
Even before this, in the fall of 1938, a Messerschmitt design team under Dr. Waldermar Voight had drawn up concepts for a interceptor fighter with twin turbojet engines. The preliminary designs for "Project 1065", as it was designated, went through a iteration or two and finally resulted in a proposal submitted to the RLM in May 1940.
Messerschmitt's dream fighter had the turbojets mounted in nacelles under the middle of the wings. The wings were slightly swept to ensure proper center of gravity, and had an unusually thin chord, or ratio of thickness to width, for good high-speed performance. As the wing's features for high-speed performance compromised low-speed handling, a "slat" was added to the front of the outer wings. The slat was automatically extended to improve handling at low speeds.
The fuselage had a triangular cross section and substantial fuel capacity to feed the thirsty engines. The aircraft was a "tailsitter", with fully retractable landing gear. In July 1940, the RLM ordered three prototypes, under the designation "Messerschmitt 262 (Me-262)", to be powered by BMW-003 engines.
Airframe development far outpaced engine development, and so the first prototype, the "Me-262-V1" ("V" standing for "Versuchs" or "Experimental"), was fitted with a single Jumo-210G piston engine with 710 horsepower and a two-bladed propeller for preliminary test flights. First flight was on 18 April 1941. The RLM was becoming more interested in the aircraft, ordering five more prototypes in July 1941, to follow the initial order for three.
The Me-262-V1 was finally fitted with a pair of BMW-003 turbojets, each with 550 kilograms (1,200 pounds) thrust, in November 1941. The Jumo 210G piston engine was retained, which was fortunate, since the turbojet engines were hopelessly unreliable. On 25 March 1942, Messerschmitt test pilot Fritz Wendel took off and suffered immediate failures of both engines. He managed to make a go-round on the piston engine and land, damaging the aircraft but suffering no injury himself.
Development of the BMW-003 engine was progressing slowly, while work on the Junkers Jumo-004 seemed more promising, and so the third prototype, the "Me-262-V3", was fitted with two Jumo-004A pre-production engines with 840 kilograms (1,850 pounds) thrust each. Wendel took the V3 into the air on 18 July 1942 and found the aircraft extremely impressive. Unfortunately, the V3 prototype was wrecked on its second test flight, three weeks later.
The Me-262V-2 prototype, also powered by Jumo-004As, was not delivered until 2 October 1942. Despite all the delays and problems, the RLM had already ordered 15 preproduction Me-262s in May 1942, and added 30 more to the order in October 1942. The He-280 was clearly inferior in performance and the Me-262 was clearly the better option, but there was still no commitment to put the Me-262 into full production.
The RLM was waffling between committing to production of the the Me-262 and the "Me-209", an improved version of the piston-powered Messerschmitt Bf-109 fighter. The head of the RLM, Erhard Milch, was conservative and favored the Me-209 over the much more radical Me-262.
However, in the spring of 1943 the tide began to shift towards the jet fighter. The Luftwaffe General of Fighters, Adolf Galland, flew the recently-delivered "V4" prototype on 22 May 1943. He enthusiastically endorsed the type and suggested that the Me-209 be cancelled. A few days later, the RLM placed an order for 100 production Me-262s.
Even then, the Me-262's political troubles were far from over, and in fact were just about to take a very nasty turn. Hitler, alarmed by the success of Allied amphibious landings in Africa and Italy, was very concerned about developing a fast fighter-bomber ("Jagdbomber" or "Jabo") to pin down invasion forces on the beaches until reinforcements could arrive to drive them back into the sea. Adolf Galland and the Jagdwaffe insisted that all production should be fighters used for defense of Germany against the Allied bomber formations.
JV 44
Autumn, 1944 - The Luftwaffe command is in turmoil. Göring was surrounded by his Kindergarten, a group of young officers who played up to him with only their own personal gains in mind. Many of these were from the Kampfwaffe (bombers) with little or no knowledge of fighter operations. Adolf Galland, constantly at odds with the way the air war was being run, was becoming the scapegoat for the Jagdwaffe's (fighters) problems. Finally, at the end of 1944, Göring dismissed Galland as General der Jagdflieger and appointed Oberst Gordon Gollob in his place.
This action led to what is know as the Fighter Pilots Mutiny. Upon hearing of Galland's dismissal, several of the top Experten of the Luftwaffe met to plan a method of circumventing Göring. "Conspirators" present were: Oberst Günther Lutzow, Oberst Johannes Steinhoff, Oberst Hannes Trautloft, Oberst Gustav Rödel, Oberst Eduard Neumann, Oberst Günther von Maltzahn and Major Hans-Heinrich von Brüstelin. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss ways in which an appointment could be made with Hitler without Göring's knowledge. At the meeting the conspirators would then force upon the Führer the issue of replacing Göring and to exonerate themselves from the wrongful accusations being leveled at them for the failure of the aerial defense of the Reich. This meeting was not to come to pass. When word of the "mutiny" reached Göring he reacted promptly. They were ordered to report to Berlin for a meeting. Lützow had been elected to act as the group's spokesman. With what was called "Points for Discussion", Lützow presented the Jagdwaffe's list of grievances; Galland's dismissal, the accusations of cowardice, the influence of commanders with no fighter background, the need for concentrated deployment of forces with which to attack the Allied bombers and the immediate availability of all Me 262s along with the reserve bomber pilots of the IX Fliegerkorps for deployment on fighter operations. Predictably, Göring's reaction to the demands of the conspirators was one of anger, indignation, scorn and disgust. Tossing the "Points of Discussion" aside he vented his fury at Lützow; the Jagdwaffe would not receive the Me 262 - the bomber arm would get it because they knew how to use it. As for Galland, it was time that he was replaced. Within hours arrest warrants were issued for both Galland and Lützow. The idea of court martial was dropped, but Lützow was banished to Italy as a staffel commander and ordered not to communicate with Galland or any other fighter pilots except for official Luftwaffe business. Galland was ordered to leave Berlin and instructed to await orders. /P> Galland, in a state of total despair, returned to Berlin. With Galland on the verge of suicide a friend intervened with perhaps the only clear thinking officer of the Reich... Albert Speer. Outraged at the treatment of Galland, Speer immediately contacted Hitler. It was the middle of the night. By morning Galland was contacted by Gestapo and SS heads and assured that there had been mistakes and misunderstandings, he was also assigned an SS bodyguard. Shortly later Galland was ordered to report to the Reichs Chancellery to meet with Hitler. Besides being formally informed of all charges and investigations being dropped he was informed that he was to report to Göring for further orders. Birth of Jagdverband 44 In late January, 1945 Galland was summoned to Karinhall by Göring. After further beratement by the Reichsmarschal Galland was told that it was he, Göring, who had arranged to drop all the charges leveled against him (a bold lie). Göring then got to the real purpose of the meeting. Galland was told that the Führer wanted him to set up a small unit of only staffel strength to demonstrate that the Me 262 was the superior fighter that Galland had claimed it was. Göring told Galland that as long as it did not include his name that he could choose the title for his new unit. With little hesitation Galland chose Jagdverband 44. Partially as a cynical reference to the year 1944 which saw both his personal and the Luftwaffe's decay; and partially as a numerical link to the first unit he commanded, III /Jagdgruppe 88 of the Condor Legion in the Spanish Civil War. This staffel was nicked named "Mickeymaus Staffel" and was the source of his personal emblem - Mickey Mouse with a hatchet and pistol. Acquisition & Training ...word had got out that Galland was forming a new jet unit at Brandenburg so I called him from Lechfeld and asked whether I could join him... He said: "Sure, no problem, glad to have you. Just bring a jet with you." So I went over to the jet manufacturing plant at Leipheim and tried to get hold of an Me 262. I said I was under instruction to collect the aircraft for JV 44, but they had never even heard of the unit! Anyway, by that stage, things were in such turmoil that I managed to secure the aircraft and I then flew direct to Brandenburg-Briest. This quote speaks volumes for the way JV44 was formed. Operational Records are sparse from this period of the war. Following are descriptions of some of the few JV44 records that exist. 4 April 1945, saw JV44 earn its first "victory" - Unteroffizier Eduard Schallmoser misjudged his speed and range clipping the tail off of a P-38. 18 April - Catastrophe. Galland scrambled 6 pilots to meet an incoming US bomber formation. The runway still had some debris and small craters from bomb damage. Late in his takeoff roll Johannes Steinhoff's plane suffered an undercarriage failure likely caused by a punctured tire. Going too fast to stop and too slow to fly, Steinhoff knew he was in trouble. The plane lifted a few feet from the ground before smashing down and exploding. Incredibly, as the cockpit filled with flames and the R4M rockets began exploding, Steinhoff was able to free himself and scramble clear. He suffered severe disfiguring burns on his face and wrists. JV44 had lost an Eagle. 26 April saw JV44 scramble to attack a flight of B-26 Marauders. This was to be Galland's last mission of the war. Approaching a box of B-26s from the rear, Galland prepared to fire his R4M rockets. Return fire from the bombers was intense and probably distracted him enough that he failed to arm the rockets. When they didn't fire he quickly opened up with the 30mm cannon and a Marauder promptly exploded in front of him. Switching to another bomber in the group he proceeded to inflict heavy damage to it. Rolling his 262 to asses the damage he had inflicted, his plane took more 50 calibre hits from the defending gunners. Damaged, Galland dove his jet away from the formation. Suddenly he felt it shudder - an escorting P-47 had followed him in his dive and was riddling his plane with bullets. His engines and instrument panel had been hit and fragments from a shell had hit Galland's right knee. Although badly damaged miraculously the plane kept flying. Fearing being shot while parachuting, Galland decided to make for München-Riem. Just as he landed he was forced to dive from the 262 to avoid a band of strafing Allied planes. Although Galland remained in overall command, Heinz Bär took over operational command. The Pilots The following table lists only JV44 pilots who qualify as Experten. These 17 pilots alone accounted for 1726 Allied planes destroyed in aerial combat. An average of 101.5 planes each! The Luftwaffe did not subscribe to the Western Convention that 5 victories made an ace. Rather they used the term Experte (expert) to honor a pilot who demonstrated his proficiency in combat over a prolonged period of time.
Messerschmitt Me 262 "As if an angel were pushing me" In Fall, 1938 Messerschmitt AG received a contract from the RLM to design an airframe for a radical new powerplant under development by both BMW and Junkers. Thus was the birth of the Me 262. Preliminary design studies and wind tunnel tests of models were completed and in June of 1939 orders were given for a full size mock up of the aircraft. On 1 March, 1940 orders were placed for three prototype aircraft to be powered by the B.M.W. P.3302 turbojet... the first of many delays was about to begin. The BMW engine, while promising, was unable to meet the RLM power requirements and the alternate engine, the Junkers Jumo 109-004A was in an even worse state. Not to be deterred Messerschmitt proceeded with the construction of the experimental airframes. Realizing that no suitable jet engines would be available for months, preliminary tests began with a Jumo 210G piston engine mounted in the nose. Me 262-V1 made its first flight 1941 saw the Wehrmacht enjoying tremendous successes. As a result, the RLM believing it would be a short war, gave very low priority to untested projects like the Me 262. More delays. On On On Testing and development continued. The improved production version Jumo 109-004B engines were installed. Aerodynamic refinements were made and the 4 x Mk 108 cannon array was fitted. It was realized that the Me 262 needed to have a tricycle landing gear, both to solve the takeoff problem and to save the runways which were becoming badly scorched. The first retractable tricycle gear 262 was the V6 which first flew The aircraft, as a bomber, was plagued with problems. As a dive bomber, the 262 would exceed its maximum speed, as a low level bomber it consumed too much fuel thus unacceptably reducing range, and as a high level bomber without an appropriate bomb sight the pilot would be lucky to hit within the same zip code of the target. With the exception of one aircraft, the V10 which was used for bomber testing, development of the 262 continued as a fighter. At Galland's urging the RLM authorized formation of Erprobungskommando 262 (EKdo 262) with the initial deliveries of the Me 262. The unit was commanded by Hauptmann Werner Thierfelder. Most of the first half of 1944 was spent in training pilots and acquiring aircraft. With the absence of two placed trainers, learning to fly the new high speed jet could be a challenge, with many pilots saying "this bird's just too quick". When in May of 1944 Hitler learned that his Blitz-Bbomber was not being produced he was outraged and demanded that all production be built as bombers and all existing fighters be immediately converted to bombers. Further, full control of the 262 was transferred to the General der Kampfflieger and it was ordered that no one was to refer to the aircraft as a "fighter". Somehow EKdo 262 managed to survive with a handful of pilots and planes who continued fighter training. Combat operations began in the summer of 1944 against the speedy high flying RAF Mosquito and on 26 July the first victory was claimed (RAF records show the badly damaged Mosquito landed safely in In late September Hitler finally recognized the failure of the 262 as a bomber and ordered the emphasis of production be changed to fighters. Later, on 4 November he would order that all Me 262 production was to be fighters. By this time it was too late for him to have 'seen the light'. Interestingly the Gloster Meteor also made its first kill in the summer of 1944 against a V1 flying bomb. Germany had made its first jet powered flight nearly two years ahead of Britain - this huge lead in development had been squandered by lack of vision and by politics.
"Sachsenberg was a good pilot... We felt safer when his aircraft were in the air" The Me 262 was most vulnerable during takeoff and landing, more so than piston aircraft due to the greater time and distance required for the process. Marauding Allied pilots knew this and lurked around the bases in hopes of an easy kill. Rather than depend on the High Command, Galland set about establishing his own Platzschutzstaffel (airfield defense squadron). For this he turned to the distinguished Eastern front ace, Leutnant Heinz Sachsenberg. The Platzschutzstaffel was equipped with the long nosed Dora variant of the Fw 190, both D-9s and one very rare D-11 were used. The aircraft were painted with bright red and white striped undersurfaces to aid in recognition by weary 262 pilots returning to base, and also the anxious ground flak units. The aircraft also had unusual markings including a personal inscription on the port fuselage side. Their mission was simple. Take off, climb to 1500 ft. Protect the jets. Land once the jets were safely away. They were forbidden to chase Allied planes. The JV44 Platzschutzstaffel has in recent times been referred to as the Papageien Staffel (Parrots). There is no evidence that this is based on historic fact and is likely due to the colorfully painted aircraft. According to Walter Krupinski, this staffel did occasionally use the radio call sign "Pagagei" (much like an allied flight may be called "Red" or "Baker"). To the pilots and personnel of JV44, the unit was simply known as the Würger-Staffel, literally translated Butcher-Bird Squadron. Würger was the official name given to the Focke-Wulf 190, much like Lightning was given to the P-38.
Bolt From Above