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Political correctness: the scourge of our times

What are the origins of Political Correctness?
Who originally developed it and what was its purpose?

It was developed at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, which was founded in 1923 and came to be known as the “Frankfurt School.” It was a group of thinkers who pulled together to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia.

The problem?

Why wasn’t communism spreading?

Their answer?

Because Western Civilization was in its way.

What was the problem with Western Civilization?

Its belief in the individual, that an individual could develop valid ideas. At the root of communism was the theory that all valid ideas come from the effect of the social group of the masses. The individual is nothing. And they believed that the only way for communism to advance was to help (or force, if necessary) Western Civilization to destroy itself. How to do that? Undermine its foundations by chipping away at the rights of those annoying individuals.

One way to do that?

Change their speech and thought patterns by spreading the idea that vocalizing your beliefs is disrespectful to others and must be avoided to make up for past inequities and injustices. And call it something that sounds positive: “Political Correctness.” Inspired by the brand new communist technique, Mao, in the 1930s, wrote an article on the “correct” handling of contradictions among the people. “Sensitive training” — sound familiar?—– and speech codes were born.

In 1935, after Hitler came to power, the Frankfurt School moved to New York City, where they continued their work by translating Marxism from economic to cultural terms using Sigmund Freud’s psychological conditioning mechanisms to get Americans to buy into Political Correctness. In 1941, they moved to California to spread their wings. But Political Correctness remains just what it was intended to be: a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon the citizenry with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brainwashing and destroying our society.

The scourge of Political Correctness has taken hold in the U.S. It is very well entrenched in our educational system, at scientific, religious and community levels, the media, the workplace and even our government. It is changing the American society from within, and the citizens of this nation are increasingly censoring themselves and losing their freedom of speech out of fear of Political Correctness repression.

It is the nature of Western Civilization to be civilized — respectful of others and concerned with correcting injustices. We don't need Political Correctness to make us think we are not civilized on our own and must have our thoughts and words restricted.

Logically and respectfully, how can one person’s benign icon (i.e. Christmas) be objectionable to the point of banishment? Offer to add other people’s icons. Make it a broader celebration. That's the Perfectly Correct American way.

We see shameful situations created in our schools and universities in America that have fallen prey to Political Correctness. Some professors, students and publications are being attacked for expressing a point of view that differs from that imposed by a fanatical far left, under the guise of Political Correctness.

In schools and workplaces we see that diversity has degenerated into reverse discrimination, where often the less qualified are admitted and the incompetent cannot be fired.

Our Constitution requires the separation of church and state, which has always discouraged our public education system from teaching religion

According to Ellen Sorokin's No Founding Fathers? published by the Washington Times on its front page on January 28, 2002  points out that the standards specifically note that students should identify slavery, the Holocaust and modern Iraq as examples in which people have behaved in cruel and inhumane ways. Conveniently, communism is absent from that short list.

Recently, a historic photograph of the New York firefighters raising the American flag over the ruins of the World Trade Center was going to be made into a sculpture as a memorial. But history's revisionists used Political Correctness to dictate that other minority faces replace some of the faces in the historical photograph! Fortunately, in the end that didn't fly, due to the outcry of firefighters and the public.

For people with the background and firsthand experience of living inside a totalitarian communist society, the tilt and goal of the dictators of Political Correctness in America are obvious. The beneficiaries in the end will be the fanatic believers in the totalitarian state, who, in spite of the dismal failure of communism and the 100 million people exterminated pursuing that criminal system, have not given up.

Political and religious fanatics, as demonstrated by the September 11, 2001 attacks and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are extremely dangerous in today's world. All citizens who cherish liberty must reject the scourge of Political Correctness. Freedom of speech must be preserved in America if we are to continue to be free.

It's one thing is to be educated, considerate, polite and have good manners, and another to be forced to self-censor and say things that are totally incorrect in order to comply with the arbitrary dictums of a deceiving and fanatical far-left agenda.

Let's preserve our freedom and say NO to the scourge of Political Correctness.



We will never compromise with the enemies of FREE SPEECH!

We will never appease or grovel before the faceless demigods of political correctness!

We will never apologize to the weak-kneed pundits of thought control!

We will never allow a restrictive one-world government to be substituted for the
FREEDOMS we possess!


Amendment I of the
U.S. Constitution


Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


"And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence,
we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."



Making the World Safe... for Bankers

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

August 21, 2002


International bankers live in fear.


Not of starvation, disease or war. These are the concerns of children in the Third World.


Bankers are terrified we might object to paying them billions each year in interest for money they create out of nothing, guaranteed by our taxes. (The Federal Reserve Board, a private cartel of mostly foreign banks, finagled this monopoly in 1913.)


The bankers are frightened that, like the homeless man's dog, we might say, "I can do this myself."


They are scared the government might go even further and "default" on trillions of make-believe "debt."


They are frightened of losing "control."


In order to sleep more soundly, the bankers have taken "steps."


These precautions help us to understand the world we live in, why it is becoming safer for bankers but less safe and more bizarre for everyone else.


First, people with money machines tend to have a lot of friends. The bankers helped their friends establish monopolies in oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, transportation, media, etc. and took a healthy stake. As you can imagine, these people are thick as thieves. Lawyers, journalists and intellectuals all vie for a piece of the action. (Servicing this cartel of cartels is what passes for success these days.)


The bankers' first precaution is to buy all the politicians. The second is to buy the major media outlets in order to promote the illusion politicians make decisions and represent our interests. The third precaution is to take control of the education system, ensuring that people stop thinking at an early age.


Then the bankers use the government and media to convince us that religion, nationalism and nuclear family are unfashionable, and we want what they want.


We "want" world government ("globalisation"). The bankers need to eliminate nation states, freedom and democracy in order to streamline their business and consolidate their power. The UN, the IMF and World Bank, -- glorified loan sharks and collectors -- will make the laws.


We "want" diversity. Countries are not allowed to maintain their national identities or traditions. Last Christmas, Gary Doer, my provincial premier tried to rename the Christmas tree at the legislature a "multicultural tree." Diversity is respecting every culture but our own. Every nation must be heterogeneous and disparate as a box of Smarties -- no one in a position to challenge the bankers.


Or take "feminism." Masquerading as equal rights for women, this Marxist Lesbian ideology is designed to destroy the nuclear family (the basic building block of society) by undermining paternal authority. Cultural differences between men and women are not "stereotypes." But signatories to the latest UN "CEDAW" Convention (recently passed by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee) will be required to "take all appropriate measures to modify all social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women." (Article 5)


This kind of Communist-inspired social engineering is simply persecution of heterosexuals. It is intended to arrest our natural development: the birth rate has halved while the divorce rate has doubled. An army of highly paid lawyers, social workers and bureaucrats treat the casualties. These self-serving do-gooders are the bankers' biggest constituency.


People --stunted, love-starved, sex-obsessed -- without family, religious or national identity, are easy to control. (They'll join anything; they are looking for a family.) But in case of resistance, the bankers have created a bogeyman, "terrorism" to justify a huge security apparatus.


The Office of Homeland Security is designed to control us -- the domestic population. Why would this be necessary? We're "in debt" trillions of dollars and the bankers intend that we pay. One day they will take away our toys. In case it's a problem, an Orwellian police state will be in place. But first, the Muslims must be subjugated and robbed.


Talking about the United States as if it were an independent country is silly. American politicians pawned U.S. sovereignty in 1913. Ever since, U.S. soldiers have been bullyboys for international bankers, and nothing else.


The American taxpayer and soldier made the First World War possible. It started just six months after the establishment of the "Fed". Its purpose was to increase debt, cripple the great European nation states, slaughter a generation, and establish two of the bankers' pet projects: Communism (Russia) and Zionism (Palestine.) After the war ended, banker world government -- The League of Nations (a.k.a., "The League to Enforce Peace") was established.


The US didn't enter the Second World War in Dec. 1941 to save Western Civilization. England had stood alone against Germany for more than two years. The U.S. entered the war just six months after Hitler attacked Russia. The purpose was to save Communism! [I am indebted to A.K. Chesterton ("The New Unhappy Lords," 1969) for this insight] For the same reason, the USSR got $5 billion in U.S. lend-lease after the war ended.


After the smoke cleared, Communists instead of Nazis tyrannized Eastern Europe. Soviet agents/ US diplomats Alger Hiss and Harry Hopkins established the United Nations on land donated by John D. Rockefeller. One of the UN's first acts was to create the State of Israel.


Ben Hecht (A Child of the Century) wrote "the Twentieth Century was cut off at its knees by World War One." Before committing suicide in 1942, Stefan Zweig (The World of Yesterday) spoke in the same tones about the demise of Western Civilization.


The planet has been hijacked. Our leaders are dupes, opportunists, traitors or all three. Almost everything we know about modern history is a hoax. A stench of moral compromise hangs over our public and cultural life. Anything promoted by the media, education, or government is suspect. This is what happens when we deny God.


This is what our children will inherit, a world that is safe ... for international bankers.

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto.